Sunday, October 14, 2012

“Jesus specifically warned His followers not to try to minister in His Name without His power. As I found out from my experience in Basel, trying to do the Lord’s work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.” 
Corrie ten Boom

“…greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4


 Before leaving for Haiti, my dear Grandma gave me her book Tramp for the Lord  by Corrie ten Boom. I also received These Strange Ashes by Elisabeth Elliott from a dear friend. God has used both of these books to help me keep perspective. Haiti is hard. Hearing from these wise women what difficulties they went through has been an eye opener to how easy I have it. The faith they displayed is an inspiration! 

First week of school is finished. I cannot believe how fast this week went. EGO’s population expands to over 300 people when school is in session. Kids start school at age 2. We are told this is because they learn how to behave in school and speak correctly. They are adorable running around in their required white and blue uniforms. The first few days a constant hum of unison crying could be heard. It is tough for the little ones to adjust being away from their families at such a young age. 

Starting at 2 years old doesn’t mean they graduate any earlier. Poor teaching and overcrowded classes make failure common in high school. Failure to pass one class means having to start the entire year over. The soonest kids graduate is 19 years old. Most kids are delayed in graduating if they are ever able.

 The older kids are in school so chores get cramped into early morning and late afternoon.  Just like in the states when school starts up the kids catch sickness from their classmates. My goat milking aides picked up a severe fever. Samantha and I had some early morning this week picking up the slack. I am so thankful for her constant Joy and mutual love for adventure. It has been a busy week! Thankfully Wisely recovered quickly and is back helping us milk!

Adding to the ill list several of our workers have been very sick and unable to come to work. I made several treks to houses to deliver medications and prayer. Madame Cherishal had Malaria and is recovered now and back to work. 
      John Sony and I drove to check on Madame Suze. Doris received word that her face was badly swollen. We drove to the other side of town and parked. We then walked threw narrow trails between houses built one on top of another straight up the mountain. Several of the houses had garages built on to them even though there is no potential for roads ever being built this far up. 
        Walking threw a door that consisted of only a sheet I was impressed with how neat the house was. A dinning room to the left contained a beautiful table with 6 chairs. Behind the table was a china cabinet filled with a full dinning set. Straight ahead a television played Shrek with French subtitles. To the right was a very American living room. It contained a worn floor rug, three couches, and a sickly Suze lying on the floor. Her face was grossly swollen due to an abscessed tooth. I encouraged her that we need to see her dentist and that I would take her.
        We waited 20 minute before leaving because her clothes had to be ironed and hair done before leaving. As we made our way down the steep path back to the car she covered her face with a cloth as we passed neighbors. My heart churned for her and I wished for a road closer to her house. Beauty and image is very important in Haitian culture. People live in meager homes, but come special events are dressed to the nines. This is the major factor as to why Suze didn’t seek help sooner. “I can’t leave the house with my face swollen.” We found the dentist. Suze received relief from discomfort and another lecture on seeking help when needed.

Through out town rice is being laid out on tarp for drying. They lay the rice in middle of the road so it gets turned when cars drive over it. Not real sanitary!
Hand washing clothes
This is our hand pump where all 55 kids currently get their baths. They also hand wash all kids clothes here. A team is coming is November to build a bathroom Facility. This will be a HUGE blessing!

This was encouraging for me to be reminded of this week.

“I cannot save and sanctify myself; I cannot make atonement for sin; I cannot redeem the world; I cannot right what is wrong, purify what is impure, or make holy what in unholy. That is all the sovereign work of God. Do I have faith in what Jesus Christ has done? He has made the perfect atonement for sin. Am I in the habit of constantly realizing it? The greatest need we have is not to do things, but believe things. The redemption of Christ is not an experience, it is the great act of God which He has performed through Christ, and I have to build my faith on it.” Oswald Chambers

Prayer & Praises
1.    EGO received a donation for chickens and was able to buy 103 broiler chickens.
2.     I was able to use extra support to buy a computer for Clinic. It will arrive this month, and I can begin training Clinic staff on how to use computer!
3.     Please pray for the sick here at EGO. Jame, Nigule, Magdula, Madame Suze. Yousline, Rose….
4.     Please pray for director of EGO school, as there are a few bumps in the beginning of school.
5.     Praise Moringa trees are growing strong, and we have started large seed beds with veggies!
6.     Praise, The road to EGO is getting paved. We now have paved road all the way to Port.
7.     Please pray as we are making many changes in required duties for staff. Change always comes with some growing pains.

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