“He draws close to me in order to mature my wisdom, deepen my peace, increase my courage, and supplement my power. All this He does so that through the very experience that is so painful and distressing to me, I will be of greater use to others….I grow under the load” Alexander Smellie.”
“if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and
take up his cross and follow me.” Mark 8:34
Honestly, I had been anxious about the day I had to work in clinic without her. I’m learning the language quickly. I still was afraid I didn’t have enough for the in depth assessments and teaching needed to give quality care to patients.
It turned out to be a very busy day
at the clinic. Claire Moines, Rose, Joslyn and I united with Christ saw
everyone’s needs taken care of. I shouldn’t have worried. I should have known
that as always Christ gives sufficient strength and wisdom in needed time.
JohnSony and Claire |
Clinic started right at 9am sharp. Claire had
the numbers cards handed out and the patients sitting in order on the benches.
Then she said the normal prayer before starting to see patients. Claire, trained as the equivalent of a
nurse’s aid, is very quiet and meticulous. Today she took charge. With Talente
being gone I was blown away by how Claire took leadership in organizing the
patients, vital signs, and assisting with monitory needs. The first 10 patients were return visits and
were easy to get updates on. Rose, who normally works in the Pharmacy, came at
10am and helped with translation for the new patients. Joslyn enlisted two of the teenage girls to
help in the pharmacy. Everything ran
like a well-oiled machine. I can only attribute the success of the day to
Christ’s sovereign grace.
One prayer item for the Clinic: Currently
we document patient’s visits in a spiral notebook. Then we make out a notecard
for them to bring on their return visit. This needs to change. I am working
with Marla on a documentation system. We keep coming back around to the fact it
would be good for the clinic to get a laptop with Microsoft Access. If we are
able to purchase one before I leave in December, I would be able to do the hard
part of setting it up. I would also be able to train Claire, Rose, and Talente
how to use a computer.
Saturday Emmanuel and Rachelle were
married. As Doris put is “I have never been so happy for a couple in my entire
life.” Rachelle is a triplet and grew up here at EGO. She still lives here and is the director of
EGO’s school. Now that she is married
she will live off campus with her husband, but will be here often working. This
will be a big change for the kids who are used to having her around 24/7.
Emmanueal has his own business as
an English professor. This is his second
marriage as he lost his first wife and two daughters in the earthquake two
years ago. The wedding was at a hotel in
Gonaives, and was relatively simple in Haitian terms. The fun part was that is
was an EGO reunion of sorts. Doris never stopped smiling, she is so proud of
her kids!
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Afterwards, they had a beautiful array of Haitian delicacies This picture is for Pastor Steve! |
Beth, I absolutely love the food picture! I wish I was there to enjoy it!!! Pastor Steve