Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Moringa Update

We may not speak the same language but it is amazing how quickly our little quirks catch up to us. Within a week a good friend here said “you Timid! Why are you timid? God wants us to share out talents.” They are begging me to sing in front of church again. They are right we are to share our gifts. I am still trying to explain that God gifts us in different ways. Mine is NOT to be in front of a crowd singing into a microphone!
Pray for Rodline!
 We talk often about what God wants of us. I am reminded that it is not about how perfect we are. It’s about laying at the feet of our Savior all we have to give and then trusting Him with the rest. It could be a mediocre voice; an unsure attempt to organize a clinic in Rural Haiti; or a goat eaten batch of trees. It all will glorify Him if we simple give our all and surrender the end results to Him. God doesn’t want our self-absorbed attempts at perfection. He wants our all, and then He fills in the rest. It’s about our relationship with Him. Trusting Him. Faithfulness in listening to what He has called us to. We will never be perfect and attempting to achieve that is the pride of flesh. God doesn’t want our perfection. He wants our wholehearted trust and the best of what he has equipped us with. You see God give us each exactly what we need to glorify Him in what he has called us to.

Mattthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Last Friday a goat climbed up to the second story of our house and ate 30 of my 50 Moringa trees. After being upset for a bit I gave the Moringa project to the Lord. “These are Your trees Lord, If You want Moringa trees here at EGO then You need to protect them!” I felt very peaceful about this deal. Surely God was going to protect these last trees since they were His.

Today Wisley, Pastor Milo, and I worked on fixing the fence of the transplant location for the trees. Wisley and I meticulously put up barbwire and patched holes. Pastor Milo put up a very sturdy metal gate. Confident in our handy work we decided to plant 10 trees.

Three hours later, I returned to take a picture and found not a trace of those trees. What I did find was little hoof prints. Now, I went to Wisley and told the sad tale. His jaw dropped and said your joking! We went back and inspected for where the goat could have entered. We saw what we had missed before. Hidden behind the cherry tree on the west side was a hole in the fence. It was just large enough for a little goat to fit. At this point I just laugh. Who would have thought all of us would have missed that hole.

Wisley insisted we should plant more, and I tried to explain to him I didn’t have any more seeds. He then shook his head and walked off.
Five minutes later he walk back with two hands full of Moringa seeds. Now it was my turn to drop my jaw.  “Where did you get those!”
 “The trees behind the guest house.”
He then showed me the three full, grown Moringa trees with hundreds of seedpods. Apparently he had found them today while playing soccer. 

Moringa Tree at EGO
Praise the Lord! He is in control and has a great sense of humor. None of this was a surprise to Him. We will still plant new trees because the ones behind the guesthouse are very tall and difficult to harvest. Yes, the goats may eat more trees, but God has provided unlimited test runs for me. J


  1. What a neat neat account of how God provides!

  2. love you ! and those trees that you are loving - what a story! what a fun way for God to emphasize to you : I LOVE YOU! I AM IN CHARGE! I CREATED YOU & THESE TREES!

    also reminds me of the lesson with E. Elliot & the lost suitcase, although in your case there is a happy ending. (or the potential for one, when the trees grow.)
