Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Moringa Update

We may not speak the same language but it is amazing how quickly our little quirks catch up to us. Within a week a good friend here said “you Timid! Why are you timid? God wants us to share out talents.” They are begging me to sing in front of church again. They are right we are to share our gifts. I am still trying to explain that God gifts us in different ways. Mine is NOT to be in front of a crowd singing into a microphone!
Pray for Rodline!
 We talk often about what God wants of us. I am reminded that it is not about how perfect we are. It’s about laying at the feet of our Savior all we have to give and then trusting Him with the rest. It could be a mediocre voice; an unsure attempt to organize a clinic in Rural Haiti; or a goat eaten batch of trees. It all will glorify Him if we simple give our all and surrender the end results to Him. God doesn’t want our self-absorbed attempts at perfection. He wants our all, and then He fills in the rest. It’s about our relationship with Him. Trusting Him. Faithfulness in listening to what He has called us to. We will never be perfect and attempting to achieve that is the pride of flesh. God doesn’t want our perfection. He wants our wholehearted trust and the best of what he has equipped us with. You see God give us each exactly what we need to glorify Him in what he has called us to.

Mattthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Last Friday a goat climbed up to the second story of our house and ate 30 of my 50 Moringa trees. After being upset for a bit I gave the Moringa project to the Lord. “These are Your trees Lord, If You want Moringa trees here at EGO then You need to protect them!” I felt very peaceful about this deal. Surely God was going to protect these last trees since they were His.

Today Wisley, Pastor Milo, and I worked on fixing the fence of the transplant location for the trees. Wisley and I meticulously put up barbwire and patched holes. Pastor Milo put up a very sturdy metal gate. Confident in our handy work we decided to plant 10 trees.

Three hours later, I returned to take a picture and found not a trace of those trees. What I did find was little hoof prints. Now, I went to Wisley and told the sad tale. His jaw dropped and said your joking! We went back and inspected for where the goat could have entered. We saw what we had missed before. Hidden behind the cherry tree on the west side was a hole in the fence. It was just large enough for a little goat to fit. At this point I just laugh. Who would have thought all of us would have missed that hole.

Wisley insisted we should plant more, and I tried to explain to him I didn’t have any more seeds. He then shook his head and walked off.
Five minutes later he walk back with two hands full of Moringa seeds. Now it was my turn to drop my jaw.  “Where did you get those!”
 “The trees behind the guest house.”
He then showed me the three full, grown Moringa trees with hundreds of seedpods. Apparently he had found them today while playing soccer. 

Moringa Tree at EGO
Praise the Lord! He is in control and has a great sense of humor. None of this was a surprise to Him. We will still plant new trees because the ones behind the guesthouse are very tall and difficult to harvest. Yes, the goats may eat more trees, but God has provided unlimited test runs for me. J

Friday, August 17, 2012

Transplant location

One thing I have noticed drastically different about Haiti is the many sounds. Perhaps, I am more aware of them because I don’t understand the language. Many nights the darkness is filled with roosters crowing and frequent dog fights. In fact one began just now. Tonight I also hear my kettle for hot chocolate whistling on the gas stove. Yes we drink hot chocolate in Haiti. Outside is the gentle patter of sweet rain cutting through the heat of the day. Iowa’s drought made me very thankful for any rain. Once in a while, I hear the metal gate clap beneath the house as someone scurries to evening service. Behind the house Haitian worship songs are echoing from the tin roof of the church.  A very peaceful night!

I went to church last night and sat in the back.  In the front, Lowvince broke free from Kevins to run to me. He was caught again, but I flag him over. I was looking to my left to pick him up and then when I sat back up 4 little ones had appeared on my right side. I love these kids! It breaks my heart to see what amazing kids these are and to realize they have grown up here without a mom and dad.  Rachal said last week “It feels like camp, but they never go home.” When I think about it and want to cry Christ reminds me that they are not alone. He has not forgotten about them and loves them more then any parent ever could.  I’m constantly praying that they each have a personal relationship with Christ. Please join me in prayer for these precious little ones. I will try to post a different little one each week to be the focus of prayer!
Please Pray for James this week as he has been battling an infection!

Garden spot for transplanting Moringa trees. We will need to fix the fence to prevent goats from eating my trees.

 To get the strong vines out one person pulls with a rake while the other chops with a machete. It was tough work, but fun to get the hang of using a machete. The little kids did a great job of helping carry rocks to the edge

The boys got a bucket of water to dump down a hole by this tree. Below is what came out. My very first Tarantula! I seriously considered keeping it as a pet. Its life was ended quickly with a swipe of the machete

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cultivating Couture

I wanted to share some exciting news!

My friend Erin and her sister have just started a new online boutique. They have a huge heart for Orphanages and missions. So they have committed to give a percentage of their monthly business earnings to Ebenezer Glenn Orphanage (EGO). "At Cultivating Couture we aspire to help cultivate the lives of those that are less fortunate than us." 
Please check out their website and support EGO!  


Monday, August 13, 2012

Moringa Trees

Marco is quite a ham! 
Moringa Trees are growing. Now I just need to fix the fence so the goats don't get them!
Love afternoon walks with the kids. They enjoy getting out of the orphanage for a bit.

I still haven't caught a photo of 5 people on a motorcycle.

This is Rachel and I up at Don and Doris's Mountain home. She is a nurse and is planning to be in Bulgaria next year .   It was great having her here this week to help organize the clinic and get physicals done for each kid. I will miss having her with me!
Voodoo cross in front of orphanage gate
Please Pray for the kids this week. Over the weekend, the yearly Voodoo festival took place. Hundreds of people crowded the streets waiting their turn to sacrifice to the devil and wash in the pond to receive the gift of health. It sounded like the forth of July in the U.S.A. complete with drums and fireworks. It is a very dark time though. Two people were murdered on the same block as the orphanage.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lowvince reading about Iowa

Be Strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift.
Shun not the struggle; face it
     It’s God’s gift

   Be Strong!
Say not the days are evil—Who’s to blame?
Or fold your hands, as in defeat—O shame!
Stand up, speak, out and bravely,
     In God’s name.

   Be Strong!
It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong,
How hard the battle goes, the day how long,
Faint not, Fight on!
        Tomorrow comes the song.
                                                            Maltbie D. Babcock

Clinic is held every Monday and Thursday. Patients start arriving early to get in line for when clinic opens. Technically clinic opens at 9am, which is when I arrive and wait with the patients until 10 when Talent actually arrives. Until I get a better handle on the language it would be impossible for me to start without her.  I don’t mind waiting, but it make my heart hurt for the patients. They sometimes have travelled for miles to then wait in the scorching heat for hours.
Key around neck is believed to help Nausea
            I have been slowly working on organizing the clinic.  Dust is very prevalent here along with mice and cockroaches.  I found in my scavenging many expired medication the oldest expired in 1985. That is before I was even born!! I also discovered several large boxes filled with sutures. Makes me wonder if they were hoping a surgeon was coming instead of a nurse.

            The most frequent complaint at the clinic is itching. Scabies is very routine here due to cramped living conditions. Malnutrition is very common and often compounds with other health conditions.

An 8-day-old Baby came to the clinic. The mom said she wasn’t eating well. The Baby weighed 2 pounds. Clearly not equipped at the clinic we referred them to the hospital. Things like this are hard to comprehend and wrap your head around. In the U.S.A. that precious little one would have been in an incubator under the watchful eye of skilled NICU Doctors and nurses. 

Madame Cherishal and Peanuts

Planted Moringa trees on Tuesday and Peanuts on Wednesay. Lord please Bless them!

Moringa boxes
            Everyday I have a Creole Lesson taught by professor Wisley. Studying the language has been good, but very intense. After my second lesson I was instructed to only speak Creole. If I had agreed to that it would have been like taking a vow of silence!  We study with a book for an hour, but all day I am quizzed on how my Creole is progressing. I praise the Lord as everyday I comprehend more and more Creole.

            The Kids here are amazing! They live, laugh, and play as if unaware of how hard this country really is. In reality they know all to well the difficulties. A baby crying interrupted yesterdays creole lesson. The workers who were supposed to keep track were nowhere to be found. I discovered the baby had stooled. With no diapers here it makes quite a mess. After cleaning him up I went to the baby dorm to get him clothes. On the cement front porch laid another little boy fast asleep soaked in urine with flies all over. With help from another kid we got both clean and settled in bed. Things like this are not frequent at the orphanage. They still occur though because of so many kids and little money to pay enough workers. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37

            I am very impressed with how alive the church is here. It seem they are always having a service or activity. They had a youth service Sunday afternoon in a beautiful glenn. At the end the pastor asked me to come forward. I was afraid to refuse because it would offend them. He then asked me what I was going to share with them. I said I was a nurse. He shook his head no. "You will sing or dance" WHAT!!  I tried to explain I couldn't do either well, but that got me nowhere. So I gave in and choose what I was better at. They got a rather interesting rendition of Lord I Lift Your Name High :-)
There is also a crusade in town this week. Every night they have church someplace different. Monday night at our church they did an all night prayer service. The kids then stayed up all day Tuesday working. I don’t know how they functioned.

            Yesterday Matthew and Rachel arrived from Ohio. I baked brownies for their arrival. I thought it was a great plan till I remember I had to cook in a huge propane stove with no temperature gauge! They will be here ten days. It has been nice to speak in full English again! J Rachel is a nurse. I am excited to have a companion to work with this week.

My morning spot for french press coffee, Bible, My Utmost for His HIghest, and Prayer
“My Grace IS sufficient for you.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 We should not pray that the Lord make His grace sufficient for us. He would answer, “How dare you ask for something that is? I cannot make my grace any more sufficient than I have already made it. Get up and believe it and you will find it to be true in your life” Streams in the Desert