Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Being in Haiti this year for Thanksgiving makes things a bit different.  Yes, this is partly because its hot and no Parade, Turkey, or football. Also no sitting on the couch looking over the best black friday deals. In fact, if it was not for my fellow Americans, Thanksgiving holiday would not even be acknowledged. Yesterday we forwent the big dinner and instead plan to make a large dinner for all our EGO family Sunday.
So instead of all the Thanksgiving hoopla it was a regular day with regular chores. On our way out to milk to goats at 5:15 Sam asked me what I was thankful for. I said I was thankful for her and her constant companionship. As I worked in Clinic and saw my 20 patients, I was thankful for the health I have had here; and the schooling I received in the states so that I can aide those who are sick.  That afternoon, I picked up Rodline from off the sidewalk where he was sleeping. His fever of a 102, swollen neck and face indicated we now have 5 kids sick with mumps. I was then reminded to be thankful for the amazing family I have. The Mom and Dad who were always there to care for me when I was sick. Just a regular day, but so much to be thankful for!
That evening after dinner the Drowley received a telephone call from the container driver. Marla handed the phone to me as he only spoke Creole. Thank you Jesus I have been able to learn the language so quickly. At 10pm, he pulled in and we were able to recruit 20 Haitian boys to help us unload the 2400 boxes. They finished at 1am, and each helper received one box. We were informed today that after jumping in the La Souix, a local pond. the 20 boys prepared the manna packs to eat at 3 am. It was something simple, but a huge blessing to these boys.

The above is a little late, because Sunday turned out differently then we thought. Sam and I were cooking Thanksgiving for all the kids when I received word of a dog attack. Our guard dog Tasha took a large bite out of a trespasser's leg. After I finished stitching her Doris asked that I come help her with Don. He had been fighting a bug for several days and now was having difficulty breathing. The decision was made to transport him out of the country with Missionary Flights in Cap Haitian. Tuesday he arrived in the U.S.A. and today was released with a clean bill of health. Praise God!

Abby and Angie arrived on Wednesday. They brought in many needed supplies and some just for fun. :-) The kids are already falling in love with them! It is going to be a fun week.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

When I first came in July Tasha was on quarantine because Doris did not want her pregnant again. This quarantine consisted of creative tying styles and sleepless nights while she howled on the porch just outside my window.  
We tied Tasha up with chains and extension cords for extra length

 All the effort was not effective! We have five new additions to our EGO family! :-) 
K9, Reiley, Taz, Toby, Mac

This past week we had the pleasure of having a team of 8 from Canton, Michigan. Chris and Beth Cooley headed up the team. This was the Cooley’s second trip this fall, and it felt like family was coming home to visit. I have to share; I thought it was hard because of Beth meaning Cow. Cooley however translates to running (i.e Beth Cooley = running cow) Mrs. Cooley is very gracious and handles the Haitian humor with ease.
The week started off with a party celebrating Don’s 81st birthday.  The following day the Guys of the team began the bathroom and showers for the girls. In a short amount of time and with much sweat they made progress on the sewage system and foundation. Ken and Don were both impressed with how they worked together and their understanding of Haitian construction process.

 The team also included Pastor Alex and wife Marcy who worked with the Church leadership and Teens. This was a great encouragement and revival for our teens! Pastor Alex is very creative and loves props for his sermons. One night he had Max trying to make firecrackers out of The Works bathroom cleaner and tinfoil. For a sermon from James chapter 3 he wanted a cow tongue to burn. With much curiosity, Madame cherishal obliged the next morning by showing up with a freshly butchered tongue.

"5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." James 3:5-6

 The team’s motto was “make love a verb.” I was impressed with how they truly acted this out. They represented Christ with servant hearts and joyful attitudes whether in the guesthouse, work site, or playing with the kids.

Clinic has been trucking along, and we are all very excited about implementing our new documentation on the computer.  Recently I have been noticing our patients come in waves. September = Scabies; October =Fungus and Malaria; November = Cholera and wounds. Last week I had a gentleman come in with a covered foot wound. He removed the sock to reveal a foot that reminded me of Mr. Deeds. An open wound with all five toes blacken. One month ago a “Beff” had stepped on his foot. He had previously been to a doctor, but refused the diagnosis of needing an amputation.  It breaks my heart every time I have people come in like this. His main provision for his family is through manual labor in a field. Survival in Haiti is difficult enough without adding a disability to the mix!

As a sit here writing, I hear in the distance cheers from a local soccer game. In our front yard laughter from the kids spending their Sunday afternoon playing on the play set. Then comes the crunch of little feet on our stone walkway. “Elizabet!” My greatest joy here comes from these little voices. Typically my name is followed by “Vant Femal” or “Blese.” Meaning stomachaches and scrapes. I constantly have kids at my door sometimes needing a nurse, but always needing a little extra love and attention. I praise the Lord for the blessing of being here serving these precious little ones!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hey this is a quick update. Things are crazy at EGO this week. We have a team from Michigan here starting the Girls bathroom project. Chris and Beth Cooley are leading the group and it is such a joy and encouragement to have them here. We are enjoying the fellowship!!

The Garden is in full swing now with the aide of some Haitian muscle. Our tractor is out of commission so everything is done by hand.


Moringa trees are growing, and almost taller then Sam!

 Praise and Prayer requests
  • I received my computer for clinic this past week. My staff are very excited about being able to learn basic computer skills for documenting patient care. The Lord gave me the added blessing of sending a database expert with the current missions team. Now I have a tutor for my Access program! 
  • Sam, Marla, and I have been fighting a nasty flu bug. 
  • Please put John Renae on your prayer list. He is the prodigal son that hasn't gone home yet. He lives on the street and sneaks food from EGO. His father is across town and willing to take him back. This past week he received a deep wound on his hand which I had to stitch. He has no money, and because he needed something productive to do with his time, I asked him to work off his debt. For two days he assisted us in the garden. Sunday he went the to alter and accepted Christ as his Savior. We encouraged him to go home to his father and seek reconciliation. He previously said he would but has not followed through.. .I believe God is working in his heart. Please pray that  he continues to hear and be soften to Gods Word.